About Marcia
Marcia Turner, Owner

Marcia Turner is an award-winning consultant and TEDx speaker. She is Gitxsan from the community of Gitanyow and grew up in Gitsegukla. Marcia is from the Lax Gibuu (wolf clan) and Wilp Haijimsxw (House of Chief Haijimsxw) and carries the name Tsu’malit, a leadership responsibility. She is a mother of four grown sons and currently lives on Vancouver Island in unceded Snuneymuxw territory also known as Nanaimo.
Marcia is the CEO/Founder of Daxgedim Haanak’ Consulting (DHC), a company specializing in systems change and decolonization to dismantle white supremacy and advance the rights of Indigenous Peoples. In 2023 she received the Indigenous Business of the Year award from the BC Achievement Foundation, and in May 2024 was invited to speak at TEDxRRU about a framework she developed – the Four Indigenous Conditions of Systems Change™.
Drawing from her ancestral teachings, Marcia’s work is rooted in her Gitxsan values, teachings and practices. Marcia and her team of all-Indigenous associates address equity for Indigenous peoples, privilege Indigenous knowledge systems, and amplify the voices of Indigenous peoples.
Marcia brings a wealth of knowledge with over thirty years of experience working collaboratively with a diverse range of First Nations communities, Indigenous organizations, public agencies, non-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, and governments across BC and Canada to achieve their goals on Indigenous policies, initiatives, issues, and strategies. She has a Master’s Degree in Leadership from Royal Roads University, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science with a minor in Indigenous Studies from the University of Victoria.
Daxgedim Haanak’ Nation Building services include advice to senior leadership in governments and Indigenous organizations to advance Indigenous policy; strategic management and planning; strategic facilitation; research; governance and organizational development; report development; curricula development and training; and Indigenous community engagement.
Marcia’s Accomplishments
Marcia has had the honour of leading the following key initiatives to address Indigenous issues and advance Indigenous policy:
June 2020: Indigenous Visions and Reconciliation Action Plan – Pearson College UWC
March 2020: Modernization of the Emergency Program Act Tri-Partite Meeting with Indigenous leadership, Federal and Provincial governments
2019 – 2020: EMBC Modernization of EPA Indigenous Community Engagement Sessions
March 2020: Modernization of the Royal BC Museum – Strategic Indigenous Engagement Plan
Fall 2019: Modernization of the Royal BC Museum Indigenous Community Engagement
Sept 2019: Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation: Facilitated discussion regarding UNDRIP and the BC Government’s 10 Principles to Guide the Relationship with Indigenous People in BC
June 2019: Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation: Facilitate two-day strategic planning and dialogue between Minister and Ministers Advisory Council on Indigenous Women (MACIW)
Spring 2018: Developed Curricula for the Certificate of Aboriginal Leadership, North Island College
Fall 2017: Conducted a Review of the BC Government’s response to the 2017 Wildfires and impact on Indigenous communities
Jan 2016: Organized the Provincial Gathering for the Families of the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, on behalf of Indigenous Leaders, MACIW, and BC Government
May 2015: Developed the Diploma in Indigenous Community Development and Governance for the University of Victoria
May 2013: Developed the BC Government’s Provincial Aboriginal Strategy for Domestic Violence